Monday, August 27, 2012

Pildappa Rock - South Australia's best kept secret

On a recent camping trip we called into a little place that I hadn't been before.  I cant believe I didn't know about it.

Pildappa Rock... 

South Australia's own wave rock!

Hubby on the way up...

Waiting for me...

Swanie making the climb...

On my way...

It was beautiful once at the top with lots of little rock pools... 

 We could see for miles...

there were tadpoles...

A neighbouring farm...


Lovely views and nice backdrop for a photo...

Pair of scrubbers we are after a few days in the bush lol!

 Our cars from the top...


These rocks appear to be just sitting there...

Around the other side of the rock...

It would be a nice spot to camp.  
This couple and children had camped there for a few of days on their way from Western Australia to Victoria...

So this is our "Wave Rock" 

Be sure to call in when passing through you will be glad you did!

Pildappa Rock can be found a short drive from Minnipa South Australia.  Minnipa is on the main highway across Australia. 



  1. Hi Tania

    How interesting! This is somewhere on the Eyre Peninsula, is that right?

    We hope to get over that way some day.

    We are on annual leave soon but heading up to outback Qld this time.

    Is that your camper trailer (with the green tent)? We have one just the same!

  2. Hi Sandra, Yes you are right it is on the Eyre Peninsula (should have put that in...whoops!)

    And no that is not our camper but we have one the same too :)


  3. sculpted by the wind and rain , magnificent,,,,

  4. Fantastic pools on top of that rock, how amazing to find tadpoles in them too!

  5. That is just amazing! Love, love, love it and I was blown away by how big the one pool of water was where your hubby was looking at the tadpoles. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I can't believe there were tadpoles up there! What an amazing part of the world you live in , just beautiful!

  7. Gotta do that trip... Thankyou so much for sharing those pics... A beautiful spot in your back yard.. :))

  8. Your photos are stunning. Your rock is so much more impressive than Wave Rock in Western Australia. I use to live about 80 miles from Wave Rock and was quite disappointed at how small it really is. The photos make it look really biG, it's not.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Anne xx

  9. Yes Anne the tourist from Western Australia said the same thing, that Pildappa was better than Wave Rock in WA.

  10. Hi Tania! What an interesting place that is!!! The big rock looks like a wave! I am so happy you commented on my blog, because I had sort of lost you. Now I shall have you on my blog roll so as to not let that happen again.
    Plugging along here in hot So. California USA Been a lot of changes going on in my world. Trying to adjust to them has been the pits.
    Hugs to you.

  11. Beautiful photos Tania. Isn't it amazing how you can live in a place for your whole life and not know about these amazing places within your reach. I had never in my life heard of Pildappa Rock. Thank you for sharing it with us :-)

  12. wow those rocks are amazing - thanks for sharing!

  13. Well I never knew that existed! Fabulous!

  14. Oh wow Pitty didn't know about it on my trip we would of stopped for sure! Oh a great excuse to travel your way again. Thanks for the heads up! Photos look great.

  15. will definitely have to check it out sometime. I bet Steve would love climbing it.

  16. That's awesome! If you hadn't heard of it and you live near there then please forgive me for not having heard of it either! I'll put it on our list of 'to do' things which is getting very long. At least our camper will be getting another airing soon, but nowhere near as spectacular as Pildappa!
    xx Susan


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