Thursday, January 2, 2014

Garden update

Well we survived the heat wave.  It is a tad cooler here today, but oh so humid

The remnants of Cyclone Christine have arrived!
38C (100.4F) today.
We are expecting strong winds but not much rain...
just a little bit of rain would keep me and my garden happy J

The black clouds are building.

 Millie found a cool spot to lay yesterday.

The temperature reached 46.3C (115F) which was better than the 50 degrees we were expecting. 
Mind you some areas north of us did get that hot!

Here is the garden this morning...

Most of it is still alive...
I did have to water several times during the day yesterday though.  
We definitely couldn't have gone away anywhere.

 Dwarf beans and rock melon.

 Dwarf beans.


 Sweet potato.

 Burpless cucumber.

The first one for the season.

This struggles in the heat and now it has aphids on it.

More sweet potato, with basil.

 The last of the tomatoes.

 Still picking the tiny toms.

Watermelon, beetroot and potatoes.



Very sad looking zucchini plants, 
they are not liking this weather at all.

Too hot for tomatoes!


 This is the Queensland Blue variety.

 Pumpkins everywhere.

Rhubarb and celery.

Bright butternut flower.

We will soon have figs.

Next seasons oranges.

 And mandarins.

Too hot and dry for grapes,
They really struggle.
We should probably stop trying to grow these as we never get any fruit from them.


These nectarines will be ready around the middle of January.

Wishing everyone a great day! Hope you are all enjoying the holiday break J



  1. Gosh you are doing well Tania especially considering the heat you've had, the garden is looking great.

  2. It's hard to believe things will grow in such heat, OR that you'd have to water "several times a day!" I'm glad you live there instead of me. I don't think I could take it.

  3. Tania, we are expecting 38 on Saturday which is very hot for us. I will be keeping an eye on the seedlings during the day. Seeing your figs reminded me that hubby wants some more bags sewn to cover ours as the birds are getting into them. It looks like summer is going to be a scorcher this year! :-(

    Your garden always looks so good!

  4. So nice to see things growing, you have done a good job with all the heat. It is 25 F at 145am as I put more wood in the furnace. Yuck.

  5. Wow your garden looks just amazing x

  6. Whoo up there Tania, did Ispy Figs??? oh please ... I love them can never get enough of them...I am drooling lol...Our little tree has none sad :((
    but I did get excited when I spotted sweet spud... we have one in the tunnel house, Not sure how to grow it until I see yours in a bath.... Well done :))

  7. Your garden is beautiful Tania. So much fantastic produce despite the heat. Very impressive!

  8. Even with such heat, you still have a verdant garden. I saw on a tv show last night that Australia is one of the driest places on earth. Never knew that. We are expecting snow tonight. If it does snow I will post a picture for you. Haven't seen our lizard buddy, have you? I keep hoping he was not run down.

  9. Gosh .. you have done wonders with your garden .. considering the heat. I cant imagine it that hot ... dont think I could cope with it very well.
    Chilly here ...

  10. The garden looks fab, you're always so much further ahead than us, we were pretty late getting things in this year. The month back in the UK didn't help. I thought we struggled with the heat here but that's just hot, too hot for me. Happy New Year matey ♥

  11. Given the extreme heat your garden looks fantastic. Melting here in Brissy also :/



  12. Considering the conditions your working under, your garden is magnificent! You should have your own show. I hope you get some nicer weather soon

  13. Your vege look fantastic. We are expecting 44C Saturday and was 41C today, I have nothing to complain about, compared to your temps.

  14. Your garden is amazing as always!! Here in Buenos Aires we had 40ºC last Monday and I thought we´ll die !!!How do you endure these tempersatures??? Luckily today temperatures dropped a little.
    Happy New Year !!

  15. Your garden really is amazing in it's variety... everything from citrus to zucchini.


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