Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Around here
The hydrangeas are in flower...

It has been Hot

Sparrows seeking some cool air in the heat

With the hot weather, comes the beautiful skies...

 We are picking tomatoes from the garden...

and making them into 

sauce (ketchup)

And zucchini's



Zucchini Relish

3.5 kilos finely sliced zucchini
3 chopped capsicums
3 chopped onions
125 grams salt

5 cups vinegar
5 cups sugar
2 teaspoons celery salt
1 tablespoon mustard seed


Add salt to vegetables and cover with water. Stand overnight.

Drain water off, and add remaining ingredients.
Boil 12 to 15 minutes ( I do a little longer if necessary)
Blend 4 tablespoons of plain flour and 2 teaspoons of turmeric together with a little extra vinegar to a paste.
Add to mixture and cook 4 to 5 minutes.

Bottle while hot into sterilised jars.

I have found it needs a little more turmeric.
This recipe makes about a dozen jars or more depending on jar size.
You can easily make half this amount.


Still working on the trailer, when it is not too hot.
Getting the tin on now...

Some of the temperatures we are experiencing
45.5 (113.9F)

 46 C


 Poor hot girls...

 Today could reach as high as 50C (122F) by the forecast on the radio. 
 I am hoping they are wrong...
Already we have strong north winds and cloud cover, so that should keep the temperature down.  It was 36C (96.8F) at 8am and I have been out early watering the garden and animals.
Good start to the New Year J

I am not getting to post as much as I would like, because our son is on holidays and he likes to play online games that cause our internet to slow right down, thus making it impossible to download photos. It is mid morning here and he is still in bed so I can sneak in a post J

 How is the weather at your place? 
How did you spend the New Year celebration? Mine was spent on my own as hubby was at work J



  1. While you're facing the heat, it's supposed to get down to 13F here tonight. I wish we could steal a few of your "degrees." We'd probably BOTH be more comfortable! Hope your new year is a prosperous one.

  2. We are still 3 hours from 2014 and 28 F degrees. I like your ketchup and can hardly wait for spring so I can start planting things. This cold and mud is getting old. Happy New Year!

  3. 50C? Ooooooh that is hot, so hot. I hope it doesn't get that high for you.
    (And beautiful skies you've been having.)

  4. I was hoping you would post your relish recipe. Thanks!Love the sunset shots, just beautiful! Cheers, Tanya

  5. We've got 11'C and rain here in Deloraine!! I'm not complaining as I hate the heat!

  6. You poor things, wish we could share with you. Back in cardis again today with a high of about 19C. You do a marvellous job

  7. Oh my goodness! That is extreme heat! I hope you are able to stay safe and cool! It is very cold here in the U.S. On Friday, we are suppose to get down to the temperature of 9*F!
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I am wishing you a beautiful new year ahead! :)

  8. Would like some of that blue sky. Its been cloudy for a couple of weeks with rain etc. Not cold though. My raspberries have grown mould!

    viv in nz

  9. Hello Tania, Hello my name is Roxy and I just popped over from my friend Joulise's blog. I have always been inspired over Australia and its beauty. I live in the dry prairie of Colorado. And we have heat and drought also.
    It was fun reading your post. I always worry about my birdies in the heat or the freezing temps. We love to feed and water them.
    I hope you will come visit me sometime. Blessings, Roxy

  10. Happy New Year. It sure has been hot in South Australia, but a cool wet change is on the way I suspect. Love those photos.

  11. Must be relish making season. Mine (on blog post) was very sweet. Im going to stock up on some of the common spices for preserving so i have them on hand. I note a lot of recipes have mustard seed and celery salt. Im going to be doing something with lemons tonight. Curd or Lemon Butter. Keep Cool (lol)Cheers.

  12. Oh dear, these temperatures bring many challenges I imagine!
    Happy New Year Tania!
    Nothing much happening here but a nice dinner with the family, foggy weather - cool at 43 degrees F - and looking forward to a good year!
    Thank you for the recipe and keep cool,

  13. Yes, thanks for the relish recipe. That heat is just insane, Tania! It was weird here yesterday - I reckon we had an inch of rain but it was sticky and humid. Cool and still damp here today. Stay cool (however you can!),

    Joolz xx

  14. That is pretty darn hot! We occasionally get heat like that in the summer here, but thankfully it doesn't last too long. But it's winter here now, and we're experiencing the opposite.. cold cold cold. Will be down to 3 on Saturday and -8 on Sunday. (in C that would be -16 and -22)
    I can totally relate to son playing games and slowing the computer down. Ditto here. :-)


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