Saturday, September 21, 2019

around here

Greetings to all.

What a week of all sorts it has been.

First of all I did a bit of bartering. I swapped some of my veggies and eggs for some compost worms.

I have set the worms up temporarily in an old foam box. This wont be their permanent home as I have an old fridge I will be putting them in once we have organised it all and found a suitable spot to put it.

After all that worm excitement, I got some baking done.

Out in the garden it was watering day. While I was waiting for the barrels to fill, I took some snaps.

Kale and beetroot.

Kale and beetroot on the other side.

Lettuce hearts.


I planted out some very small capsicum seedlings.

From the patch this week I have picked peas, tomatoes, kale, silver-beet, baby spinach and I planted cucumbers, zucchini, capsicums, and mixed lettuce seedlings.

I found scale on my lemon tree, so I have made up some white oil to apply once the weather is suitable.

I halved the recipe written on the jar.

We finished the foam wicking boxes.

It was such a horrible day on Thursday. Hot, dusty and extremely windy. I had the grand-babies over so we spent the day inside, it was way too rough outdoors.

This was my porch, it is covered in dirt!

This same day we had a visitor. This little bearded dragon was scratching on the window to come in, my grandson was fascinated by this inquisitive little dragon, and so were we.

Then yesterday morning I was out in the yard picking up all the quandongs that the wind had blown off the trees and there was the dragon again. I cant believe how quiet he is.

And I saw him again today, sunning himself.

Also saw this big girl...

 And this naughty girl...

Yesterday afternoon, we tried to beat the rain and started work on the last stage of the shade house.  It has only taken almost twelve months! Then the rain came so we had to leave it until today. It was decided to get this job done as soon as possible because the swirling strong north wind on Thursday played havoc with the plants.

Found these on the ground while taking photos. 

Hubby saved some hollow logs for me to make a habitat for lizards, like this lizard lounge by Sophie from Gardening Australia. I will be finding a place for these to go in the next day or two.

Cluster of grapefruit blossom.


New leaves showing on the grapevines.

I have thrown some mulch under them.

Flowers have appeared on the young olive tree.

A couple of pink Galah's screeching in the gum tree when the weather was finer earlier this week.

And a pretty sunset from Wednesday night.

The rain was very welcome yesterday, it has been a long three months since the last lot of wetness. We had 18mm (72points) and the plants loved it!

Did you get rain? I hope so.

That is the wrap for another week. 

See you all soon,



  1. We got rain (in Adelaide) but not as much as you. Still it was welcome!

    1. Good to hear from you Barbara, so glad you got some rain.

  2. What a gorgeous sunset! Everything that you grow looks so healthy. I love lizards. We get them here, too.

    1. I love our sunsets and sunrises. I have the camera always at the ready to run outside to capture a beautiful photo xxx

  3. Hi Tania,

    What did you put in the bottom of your foam wicking boxes?

    1. In the bottom of the foam wicking boxes are the trays that seedling punnets sit in Cheryl. We picked them up at the local hardware store for free :)

  4. 18 mm of rain! How wonderful! I love your garden..and how you work around the harsh climate to produce such lovely veg.

    Oh, I bet the lizard lounge will be appreciated! Do you have water out for them?

    1. The rain was wonderful! And yes I have water for the lizards placed around our block. I use low containers and check them daily :)


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