Friday, September 13, 2019

snapshots from this week

Hello friends,

This week has been very warm and it is set to continue on into next week. The fire inside has not been on, I don't think we will need it anymore this year. 

I had many plans for this week, but I should know better than to make plans because there is always something to cause them to go out the window! Luckily I have still managed to get some things done.

Monday was a beautiful linen wash day...

I added horse poo mulch to my hanging pots...

Also fertilised the fruit trees with dynamic lifter...a bit stinky out there now! I added some to the veggie beds too...

I see you...

I have worms in the beds. Well I found one, surely there must be more lol...very happy!

A quick trip to my daughters little farm and captured these two special girls.  The baby goat is being bottle fed and my little grand daughter loves her to bits.

Still picking tomatoes...

Been doing a bit of this with all the fine weather...

The sun was so bright the photo has glare...

Old faithful red geranium...

Tulip pelargonium...

To do list...

Wont be long and the beetroot will be ready...

 New capsicum seedlings are in...

This celery is huge!  Tastes pretty good too!

Soon I will be eating peas, yum!

Enjoying the warm sunshine...

 The chives have come to life...

Zucchini seedlings are in...

Potato peels are planted in this box, now to wait for them to shoot and form new potatoes...

New life coming from the dragon fruit...

And also the comfrey...I thought these were dead!

Seeds are finally done, more waiting...

Succulent blooms...

Planted mixed lettuce in a pot...

 Lemon blossom...

I potted citronella geranium into these recycled containers. I save these and convert them into wicking pots. 

One dozen eggs were gathered today for the first time this season.  That means almost all the girls are laying at the moment...

I have started trimming the lavender to dry and use for different things like these I found here.


Pretty in pink...

The garden is all a buzz with bees...

These four naughty girls keep getting out of their pen and scratching where they shouldn't...


Mulberries are a coming...

Nectarine blossom is starting to show...

As is the apricot...


And the mango tree has flowers.  These probably wont come to anything, but fingers are crossed.

Hiding among the weeds was this huge sleepy lizard, I cant believe how big some of these are, almost crocodile like haha! They are shy creatures and it was a bit hard to capture a decent photo without too much disturbance.

Another week all done and dusted. There is still plenty to do around here, so I will back outside tomorrow trying to get some more jobs crossed off my list.

How was your week? Are you getting your Spring chores done?

See you all soon,



  1. I hope you've tried beet tops as cooked greens. I think they're delicious.

    1. Most definitely Gorges, I agree they are delicious!

  2. Hi Tania, It's fun perusing your photos. We are at the opposite time of year here in California. I am looking forward to having my first fire in the brick fireplace at the new cabin! First I will have to call the chimney sweep. The pomegranates are almost ready to pick. They look much better this season, since we've had some rain. Your post made me realize I probably need to do a better job of fertilizing my fruit trees. You are such a fantastic gardener!

  3. Lovely lot of things going on in your place Tania. I love pelargoniums too: such reliable flowers and so hardy.

    The recording part of gardening is the hard part for me: I know it would help to remember what I planted and what worked, but I don't do it consistently.

    1. If I don't have an ongoing list, I get nothing done! I love writing the jobs down and ticking them off as I get to them. At the moment it is the easiest jobs that have been completed, this week and beyond, I will tackle the bigger ones. My garden folder is so handy, it has all sorts of information contained within :)

  4. Lots of things being accomplished at your place Tania. I have a few flowers on the mango and the avaocado trees. We had the worst winds last week and a lot of the flowers have been dropped. I am still hopeful we might get one or two fruits. I noticed that an old pomegranate, which fell into a pot, has lots of shoots. I will pot these up when they are just a bit bigger. I have a friend who would love a couple of these. Hopefully they will be big enough to gift for Christmas.
    We are going away this week and our daughter and her fiancé are moving in to housesit for us. I have been doing a lot of chop and drop mulching in the garden. I am hoping that by doing this the garden wont get too much for them to look after. It is so hot and dry that they will need to water. With deep mulching the garden might just survive. I still plan on throwing in a few seeds before we go. They will either come up and do OK or they wont.
    Love seeing what you are up to at your place.

    1. Good to hear from you Jane.

      I guess you are almost packed and organised for your big trip. The weather has been hot here the last couple of days, something I have to acclimatise too after winter haha! You are so lucky to have someone house sit for you, that is the hardest thing to find, someone to look after things while we are away.

      I like how your pomegranite dropped fruit and then shot up. They would definitely make great gifts.

  5. It’s so nice to see your garden.
    I’m thinking of what to plant this winter. 😊

    1. Thank you. Loved hearing from you Nil xxx

  6. Keep up the great work. I love seeing your photos and what you are up to in the garden. Reminds me of my grandmothers garden as she had such a green thumb and used anything she could to plant things in so lots of recycling done. I also love seeing the lizards as we had those around when we were kids.

  7. Your garden is looking great Tania - you are so much further ahead than we are here. Hard to believe you are still picking toms. I planted some today, as well as cucumbers but I have a small size plastic tunnel house over them as its bitterly cold here still. Happy weekend to you Tania xx

    1. I am really happy with how the veggie patch is looking this year. So glad to be getting the beds back to health after the disruption of the shade going on last year.

      Has been hot here the last couple of days, almost time for the air conditioner to go on haha!

      Have a lovely week Julie xx

  8. Oh I wish I could hang my sheets outside. But we still have rainy weather and so I have to keep drying them in front of the fire
    Unfortunately that is still going too
    Hopefully for not much longer

    1. Oh no Angela! Here it has been nice warm to hot weather since spring began. No rain though, we could do with some now otherwise my water bill is going to be high! It is not looking likely at this stage.

      Sending you some sunshine xxx

  9. You are headed into Spring and we are headed into Fall! Your pictures are lovely. I particularly enjoyed the wash hanging out and your sweet granddaughter with the baby goat.

    1. Lovely to hear from you loves2spin. I love pictures of washing drying on a line too, it reminds me of simpler times.

      Wishing you a wonderful week ahead xxx

  10. Hi Tania, Amazingly wonderful photos! Your garden is going so well- productive and colourful. Some of my dragon fruit cuttings have struck, the leeks are growing, broad beans have pods and I have harvested quite a few purple potatoes. How do you make wicking beds from the recycled containers? Sounds like a great project. We have been finding lots of sleepy lizards too. None as big as your giant one though! Great to see you blogging again....hope the holiday was relaxing and interesting. Cheers, Jo

    1. Hello Jo, its great to hear from you.

      I am glad to be home and back into my garden. Although today has tested me with the strong wind and dirt!

      I'll give you the link on how to make wicking pots out of containers. Very simple to do :)



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