Wednesday, August 26, 2020

last days of winter

Well here we are in the last days of winter. It wont be long and these cold days will pass, and spring will emerge in all its beauty. Slowly we are seeing the outside temperatures rise a little day by day. Winter has been very determined to hang on this year.

During this month of August, we have had rain and cold windy days and the fire is still burning providing beautiful cosy warmth. But soon all the wood and the fire will be put away for another year and it will be time to uncover the air-conditioner in readiness for the heat that will come.

There are gentle signs of spring in the garden with a few buds appearing and new life in the form of fresh green leaves. The birds have found their voice and the bees are buzzing about getting their fill of nectar and pollen. At the moment the ground is still too cold for planting seedlings but this will soon change as the days begin to warm. Out back in the patch the beds have all been prepped and ready to go, and I can barely wait to get those veggies growing for another season.

And as another season draws to a close, the new one brings with it new life and hope.

Are you looking forward to spring? 



  1. To recoin an old saying, "Spring hopes eternal."

  2. Beautiful pictures, Tania. So many pretty plants, flowers and food - what a variety! You are blessed :). Everyone up here in the States is looking forward to Fall/Autumn!
    Take care, Mary in San Diego

    1. Thank you Mary.

      I love the autumn season best of all, wish it could be around all year round. We have about 6 months of heat heading our way, this is how it is in Australia. We have three months of mild winter conditions, but our summers are another story.

      Best wishes,

  3. Tania, I used to love Spring but in recent years we have had a heatwave in September so I am not so fond of it these days. After a very cold and windy week it has started to heat up now and I can ditch the thermals for a while. Our Carnival of Flowers is still going on despite the pandemic...with changes being made of I am looking forward to that as our parks will look spectacular 🌷🌸🌹🌺πŸ₯€

    1. I would love to see the Carnival of Flowers Chel.

      The wild flowers are coming out around here as well as all the other blooms. The bees are going crazy on my lavender bushes right now. Bet their hives smell lovely lol!

      Take care,

  4. There are signs of Spring here in our garden too, Tania. The days have been warmer, mostly, for a few weeks now and the plants are responding to that. I am hoping for some Spring rain! MegXx

    1. Hello there Meg.

      It is definitely a lot warmer here during the day since I wrote this post. The fire has not been on although the nights are still on the coolish side. But I just snuggle under a nice warm blanket to keep warm.

      Oh some lovely Spring rain would be ever so welcome in our neck of the woods too, lets hope we both get our wish. Not looking likely at the moment, we are going to be 34C by comes the heat!

      Have a wonderful weekend,


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