Sunday, August 23, 2020


A simple wattle on the kitchen table.

I brought this Jade plant inside to brighten the place up with a little greenery. It was looking poorly outside but with a bit of added fertiliser there are new leaves appearing now.

These lettuce leaves were huge...

And delicious for my lunch...

Followed by chopped melons and soy yoghurt sprinkled with walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds...

I have decided to start drying more food...these are hot chillies.

Saving eggshells for the garden...I add these to the soil when planting out tomato seedlings. Tomatoes love calcium as do other plants.


The great outdoors...

Spring is almost here. The bees are extremely busy at the moment.

How good is this bok choy? I learned that it grows really well here.



Gold on blue...

Our first native hibiscus flower...

Fluffy lavender...

Star burst from a succulent...

Sweet smelling freesia...

Country happy we are still able to do this.

Unusual skies with the Flinder's Ranges as the backdrop...

Simple creatures we could learn so much from...

And I sat outside to enjoy this beauty a few nights ago.

What have you been up to lately?

See you soon,


  1. Your pictures are always stunning Tania. You are much further ahead with your buds than we are here but I can certainly see spring signs now. I did not know that about egg shells so I will be saving mine now & adding to the soil. Thanks for that Tania xx

    1. I learned the egg shell tip a few years ago, and it really does give the plant a boost. Banana skins are also good to bury in the soil for added nutrients.

      Have a great week Julie,

  2. Love freesias...mine aren't out yet...tooo cold still.


    1. I love freesias too and they smell divine xxx

  3. I rinse the empty milk bottles over the tomatoes too so they get the calcium, and you're right they love it. My lavender is just coming into bloom, I can't wait for it all to flower. I have visions of lavender heads hanging to dry and the house smelling amazing, hope it Cath

    1. Wow Cath, I would never had thought to rinse milk bottles out on the tomatoes. Thank you for the great tip!

      Lavender is a favourite here too.


  4. So envious of your weather. It’s cold, wet and miserable here
    Hopefully soon I’ll be able to go out and play in the garden. But right now it’s all underwater and muddy

    1. Hope you get some sunshine soon Angela. Underwater and muddy is not something we experience here very often.


  5. Wow! What a spectacular sunset! Your gardening skills always inspire and impress me. Thanks for the tip about egg shells and tomatoes. That's good to know...

  6. Love that sunset! If you put the eggshells in the blender they break down quicker in the soil = more calcium available sooner:)

    1. Thank you for the wonderful eggshell tip Jo. I will remember that for next time.


  7. Hi Tania, your posts are such a wealth of valuable information and resourcefulness !! I loved seeing all the variety of plants coming into bloom, such beautiful photos :) I also read the previous post with your op shop finds - well done!!. The floral plates were my favourite. It's almost Spring here too, but I am not as good at getting in the garden as you, so of course I have a lot of weeds waiting for me. One can only d so much. Blessings to you Tania. It's always lovely to stop by xo ~ Linda

    1. Hello Linda,

      I haven't been spending as much time in the garden as I had hoped this week. It has been a very busy one for me. Tomorrow is going to be 25C so I will definitely need to get out in that beautiful sunshine. I too have plenty of weeds to deal with. It was freezing last week, quite warm this week. Spring is definitely springing!

      Thank you so much for your lovely words, it is always wonderful to hear from you.


  8. As you head into spring, we are heading towards autumn and harvest. We have started to dig up our potatoes from the garden little by little. I dug 4 plants a few nights ago when I noticed the vines were dying back and I didn't want to miss where the end of the row was. That gave me enough for our meal and about 20 to store. This afternoon Farmer was trimming the end of the rows with the mower and uncovered more. So we dug about 6 more plants and I have about 50-60 more curing on the warm front porch. Only 30 plants to go! (Where will I put them all??) We've also been picking tomatoes since early August. I've been canning pasta sauce, chili base, juice, salsa. I'm almost out of jars so will either freeze the rest or just let friends come harvest some. Once they started ripening, they went fast!.


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