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Life on two acres of arid dirt, on the edge of the Australian outback.

Friday, February 8, 2008

I'm Back

Let the sunshine in.

Hello again,
The weeks have flown by since I was last here. I had good intentions of returning sooner but life got in the way.

I am now busy again caring for little ones while their parents are working. My work load is a little easier than I thought it was going to be because I didn't get the baby that required 45 hours a week care. Instead I have a dear little 18mth old starting.

Pictures of some of the Day Care area, not very tidy when this was taken because they had just finished playing here. Top one is the shaded area and below is the playground area, includes sandpit, swings, slippery dip and climbers.

Today we were hooked up to Solar Power. At the moment it is only our lights that are running from the system. Hopefully in the future we will be able to run more than just lights. We are looking into buying a wind generator next.

Best wishes until next time.

1 comment:

  1. I love the old hills hoists. I have a green one here, not so good.


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