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Life on two acres of arid dirt, on the edge of the Australian outback.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Welcome to Spring - South Australian Style

35C (95F)

Lots of dirt with a hot, blustery north wind...

Lovely day to spend inside with the doors and windows firmly closed.

A cool change due tomorrow so we will get all the dirt back again from the south.



  1. Not the prettiest Spring pictures Ive seen...We had 35 degree days a week ago,but has now cooled off ,thank god!I thought we were headed straight into Summer,and I love Spring!Over night temps are now around 7 and days are 27(with no humidity)yay :0)

  2. In Victoria we are having unseasonal warm weather as well. Its high 20's here and very windy as well. I hope this isn't a taste of things to come.

  3. I know how you are feeling.
    It is soooo blustery and horrid.
    But I am quite enjoying it being rather warm.
    But this wind has got to go!

  4. Hi Tania

    35C is a rude introduction to spring, I'd say! I don't envy you with all that red dust either. It must be a chore to keep it out of the house when its blowing.

    22C here today and windy so the sports teams are finding it hard. Our Hatherleigh A Reserve netballers took the flag so that is great for the girls. A few of them are old A graders just hanging on for a flag. That was our only win for the day. I sold raffle tickets this morning then got roped into doing a few hours in the canteen. Home now for a quiet night.

    Hope the wind stops soon and you get a few days of 23C - wouldn't that be nice?

    Cheers - Joolz

  5. If you would like your dirt back, we have it all down here - lol.

    Today was positively awful - 33C and extremely dusty, but at 10:00 pm it was cold enough outside for a jumper.

    Our goat kids chose 4:00 pm today to be born.

  6. This reminds me of the years we spent in Outback NSW--in Bourke.Very hot and dry mostly.
    We loved our time there though, but weren't sorry to leave the heat.

  7. Lol. We don't lose dirt, but not sure the Mallee get their dirt back.

    We haven't been that warm where we are. Last Wednesday it was quite cold, I have a very wintery photo of it. Sunday was lovely and today the car was quite warm inside.


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